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QIGONG PRACTICE - Become the Object of Observation

Writer's picture: Barry 'fuso' SantBarry 'fuso' Sant

“You must avoid any type of distraction so you can become the object of observation” ~ Shi Heng Yi

When we do any qigong exercise, we must watch ourselves intently. The physical outer appearance of the movement is the same for a beginner to the advanced practitioner, but the perception of what is happening inside is greatly increased after significant time.

We are programmed to notice all things outside of us, it’s the nature of our perceptions, eye looks out, ears listen to external sounds etc. This detaches us from our being and who we really are.

Awareness is not with the eyes nor do we use our imagination. We do not try and create something that is not there, what is vital is knowing what is already there.

With the presence of deep penetrated awareness, we can assist the substance to increase or decrease so we become balanced. Re-balancing and expansion are causation effects of recognising what is already exactly there, we do not have to purposely do any action so to speak, we just need to have deep penetrated awareness with release of things binding.

However, here is the contradiction, and there are many contradictions in the internal arts depending on the level we are at. At the very beginning stages sometimes it can be helpful to visualise or use imagination to assist us or to get us off the mark, but we must remember these are all fabrications of the mind and are not real or true.

‘Imagination creates imaginary results’ ~ Adam Mizner

Your mind is amazing and will create imaginary sensations that are not actually true, which obviously carries very limited benefit if any. So, we must recognise when to drop the imagination at the earliest possibility and solely rely on pure present awareness, as soon as our perceptions start to increase.

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Barry 'fuso' Sant
Barry 'fuso' Sant
Oct 17, 2023

"All things binding": Tension of mind & body - releasing or letting go of all mental constructs, social constructs, conditioning, emotional responses & of course all the layers of physical tension within the body.

Barry ~ TCW


Oct 17, 2023

Hi Barry, what's release of things binding? Mark

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